out of the woods

As of yesterday morning, Australia had 5,800 confirmed cases of COVI-19, and 41 deaths. Our rate of new daily cases has been decreasing for several days in a row. But we're told not to get excited just yet. In fact, yesterday I read an article saying we could be doing this 'social distancing' stuff for 18-24 months! It's been a week or so since my last update, mostly because things haven't changed that much. As far as my day-to-day life goes, the past 10 days haven't seen major changes (except a co-worker has started giving me a lift which is great!). It's small things you notice now. At the post office, or grocery store, or cafe, there are markers on the floor indicating where you should stand (1.5m away from anyone else). Plexiglass has gone up at cash registers in pharmacies and supermarkets. There's a 2 item limit on the strangest stuff at the shop - chicken, tinned tomatoes, rice, pasta. I laughed with the Woollies clerk yesterday that Au...