you're gonna break my heart anyway

Well, this is it folks. I'm all packed up, and in something like 30 hours I will be leaving NYC.
For those of you just tuning in (that would be all of you, I guess, since this is my first post), here's the situation:

I've been living in New York City for the last 5 years, going to school and working. About a year ago I decided it wasn't where I wanted to be anymore, and so I'm finally going to leave.

A lot of people ask me "Why Australia?" and the answer really is "why not?" I studied abroad there a couple of years ago and loved it. The climate is amazing (I'll quote my favorite weather stat later), the people are friendly and laid back (not at all like New Yorkers!), and it's a gorgeous country! I'm at the time in my life where I have nothing tying me down or keeping me here, and so I've decided to take an enormous leap off this cliff. We'll see where it takes me!


  1. Can't wait to see where life takes you! I'm so proud of you for jumping off this cliff!

  2. I just got goose bumps from your post... your unlimited possibilities... AND the prospect of having a native tour guide for future trips down under! Have fun, girl. Drain the brake fluid and go 100! Huge hugs.


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