we could have a romantic evening

For those of you wondering why I haven't posted in 2 weeks, it's cause I'm not in Australia yet!
I am spending some time catching up with and visiting friends and family before leaving the country on Jan. 25.

I've got my hostel in Sydney booked for my first 5 nights. I think I'm going to land, get to my hostel, and completely freak out because I have nothing planned. So unlike me!

That's the update for now. More in a few weeks!


  1. Christina! I am SO excited for you! I'll bet you are having a blast running around the country for hugs and stories before your departure.
    And I, for one, am totally GLAD that you have nothing but adventure planned in. THIS will be so much fun!
    Hugs and laughs.
    Drink lots of water - those long ditance flights are wicked rough. xo


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