kilometers of milestones

Good morning America!
I come bearing gifts - well, photos of some recent adventures.

As promised, I took my camera out with my new bicycle and we went for a ride on the beach.

It's a bit perilous making my way down to the water, just because of traffic. For some reason cycling on the left side of the road seems to provide more problems than the right side of the road did in New York. But anyway. Once I get down to the water and get on the trail:

I am greeted with such a nice view:

It's particularly enjoyable right at the start, because the trail really rides right along the coast. But then the trail winds inland a few meters to make room for the beach, a walking path, picnic tables, etc.

I usually only make it as far as Middle Brighton, but this time I pushed myself a little bit further, in hopes of finding the famous bathing houses at Brighton Beach

Having found what I came for, I turned around and came back. Here's a view from the other end of Brighton Beach:

And some shots coming back

the view of the city in the distance

It's a nice ride and I always want to go further, but I must keep in mind that I have to turn around and do the whole distance again. It always feels ever so slightly uphill and harder on the way back!


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