you put the happy in my -ness

So I've gotten some... comments (read: complaints) that I hadn't updated my blog in a while. And this is true. Travelling takes it out of you, both physically and financially. So, in the 3 weeks since I've returned from my various destinations, I've basically been working non stop. Yay for money! Boo for having no life!

Here's a snippet of the life of an expat-American waitress:

Monday - lounge around the house all day. If I've got 4 spare dollars, I might for for a little workout at the gym around the corner from my house. Usually work 4 boring hours in the evening, but if not - free yoga at the Lululemon store on Bourke St in the CBD.

Tuesday - sometimes work during the day, otherwise repeat of Monday. Work at night. After work you can probably find me at Section 8 Container Bar, where I'm ... getting to know (read: stalking) one of the bartenders.

Wednesday - see above. Sometimes work, sometimes not. If not, I can often be found at a Dinner Club event, of which there have been many in the past, and I probably should have been blogging about them. The founder of Dinner Club left Melbourne a few weeks ago to go back to the UK, but the torch has been passed, so there should be more to come. Also, if I'm not working or at Dinner Club, my housemates and I like to hit up Ladies Night at The Dick - the pub across the street from our house which offers half price meals on Wednesdays.

Thursday - usually working

Friday - up at 5:30 am to be at work by 7. Home for a nap in the afternoon, then usually back to work in the evening. Recently discovered a smoothie is a great post-nap revival.

Saturday - if I have the day free, and if I have the money, breakfast out with a housemate or 3 is on the deck. We like Galleon Cafe, Las Chicas, and Yellow Bird, to name a few. (Fun fact: AFL player Ben Cousins was recently spotted at Galleon - that's how you know you've made it!)

Sunday - same as Saturday. Usually have my evenings free, and we've begun some sort of tradition at my house of a big Sunday dinner. Last week we had handmade (by us!) gyoza and other yummy things of the Asian cuisine variety. Lots of alcohol is usually involved, sometimes followed by a dance or 10 at Vineyard, which is kicking on Sunday nights

Sidebar on Vineyard:
A couple of weeks ago we went to shake our tail feathers and burn off the massive dinner we'd just consumed. The DJ was rocking some sweet disco beats (I'm talking Stevie Wonder and the Bee Gees) and I was having a merry time. A funny old man in a leather coat and a newsboy cap told me he liked my moves, and flirted with me about my "dance training" before revealing that he was "Rockin' Ronnie" and I could find him on YouTube. I searched high and low and found a lot of spurious content, but I did find this.
So that's pretty much it! I will try to drag up some fascinating tidbits in the next few weeks. Some of the shenanigans that go on at my house and with my housemates are not exactly SFW, or safe for this blog in fact (Hi Mom, Hi Dad!).

As for those wondering what my plans are for the rest of the year, you'll just have to stay tuned!


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