T-2 weeks


Well, it's crunch time now, as my departure looms. It's also my favorite month, October. My birthday is tomorrow, which marks 26 years I have been upon this earth, and also the end of parental-sponsored health insurance (thanks for 2011 though, Pres. Obama!). So I've been getting all my medical care taken care of, and birthday wish-requesting, which is more stressful than one would think.

Had a bit of a snafu with my roommate and so told her she was a bitch and moved in with my parents for the last few weeks. Hurrah! Life's too short, though, to be with people who make you miserable. True, she initiated this, but a week later I feel like it was for the best.

It's my last week of work at ye old 8.0 - just 3 more days! Must put together excellent earring/sock combinations so I really go out with a bang.

Have also been taking some time out to enjoy the finer things in life - or just the fun ones, anyway. Took last Saturday night off to go to see Taylor Swift in concert at Cowboys Stadium. I had been talking about this event for months, but was foiled in my planning when I found out it was on a Saturday night, and I would probably have to work. But a very generous friend offered to buy me tickets, and so I told work I wasn't going to be in attendance that evening. It was momentarily stressful, as I couldn't find anybody to cover my shift and I was worried I would be fired. But in the end I decided to do what I wanted, what I would have more fun doing, and the managers decided it wouldn't be worth it to fire me a week before I finished anyway. Win Win!

So that's the update. In just a couple of weeks I will be winging my way across the Pacific, and greeting people with "g'day!"


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