"I shoulda been a blogger"
- to the tune of Toby Keith's "Should Have Been a Cowboy" - before we bombed Iraq and he started writing irritating and catchy songs about Americana, some of which I strongly disagree with, and some of which are just a terribly poor and accurate representation of certain sectors of society. But I digress. I am in LAX, on my way back Down Under after a 2 week jaunt through the U.S. Things I miss about Melbourne when I'm in America: coffee poached eggs Jack public transit pleasing accents socialism Things I miss about America when I'm in Melbourne: queso Dr Pepper Merv, Peaches, Louise, Stella, Zeke, Keeley cheap retail ($40 jeans, $20 booties) Southern drawls iced tea So, I guess my thoughts are - it's a toss up.