The new normal

During the old normal, my alarm went off at 5:45 and I caught the bus at 7. I would hand my keep cup to the barista at The Sweet Spot who knows my name and order. I’d walk into work by 7:50 and have nearly an hour to get settled and ready before homeroom at 8:45.

On a full day I’d teach 5 classes of 19-27 students, a mix of English and Drama. I like the variety of this set up. On Tuesdays after school I would catch the bus to the Waverley Library and tutor a Year 7 student. On Thursdays I’m on bus duty and would stand at the gate to the school holding back the throngs of students until their bus is called by my colleague standing down at the street.

On Friday night we’d maybe order some takeaway and have a bottle of wine, or go to the pub for a burger or a Parma. Saturday morning was my spin class, which I had finally gotten myself into a routine with going.

Now, post COVID19....

My alarm goes off at 6:30, and I catch a 7:20 bus. Yes, still going to work (so far) although I really don’t know why. But I’m probably more productive there then I would be at home.

At 8:45 the bell rings and yesterday 12 students moved to the main hall where they were supervised accessing their online learning materials. Staff worked at our desks or in classrooms (social distancing!) setting work online for the same students. The bell still rings for recess and lunch, but those breaks are for the students. Staff can walk out to get a coffee or some lunch at anytime that suits them .

Yesterday I had 4 students waiting for a bus after school. That was my sole interaction with students.

My tutoring student and I Skype now, since the library is closed and she’s not going to school anymore.

It’s Friday so tonight’s takeaway and a bottle of wine is pretty normal. But tomorrow morning there will be no spin class. Maybe some at home yoga! I bought a dozen eggs last time I saw them so I’ll get Jack to make omelettes. And then...? We’ll have the whole weekend to go nowhere. Clean the house I guess. 

This is the first weekend since everything has closed. No pubs, no breakfast out, no afternoon cocktail at Black Sheep. 

While we’ve both been going to work all week it’s almost as if it’s normal. But I think this weekend will be very strange.

There are 2985 cases of COVID19 in Australia.


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