no, these streets will make you feel brand new

 That lyric is so not about New York! Must be about Melbourne! Nah, actually, Melbourne's streets make you feel like you've lived here your whole life - comfy and easy and downright cool.

Today I went to the ACMI - Australian Centre for the Moving Image. They have this cool Dennis Hopper exhibit on, plus some other free stuff, so I went to check it out. The Dennis Hopper exhibit was very interesting - I'm ashamed to admit I really had no idea he had done so much. I sadly was not raised by cinephiles, and so have never seen Easy Rider or Rebel Without a Cause. But I also didn't realize he was so involved in visual art, as well. I've got some movies to add to my list, now!

After that exhibit, I wandered into a general exhibit called "Screen Worlds: The story of film, television and digital culture" which is exactly what it sounds like. It was actually pretty fun, and told from the Aussie perspective which is a nice little twist - turns out not everything revolves around America.

One of the cooler hands on parts of the exhibit was a display where you could create your own Matrix-esque animation. After a few tries at various kinds of movement, here's my timeslice animation.
And I only jumped once, actually, but I guess it just keeps going and going. I posted another effort on my facebook page.

That was pretty much my day. Bought some cool postcards and a keychain in the visitor centre in Federation Square (which I need to visit properly and take pictures of, cause it's very cool). Am hoping to see a movie tonight with a friend.

I leave you with the somewhat misguided lyrics of Jay-Z and Alicia Keys:

In New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of
There's nothing you can't do
Now you're in New York
These streets will make you feel brand new
Big lights will inspire you

Which really, I mean, could apply to almost any city. 


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